• 00218919466666
  • info@gks.sch.ly
  • Abbad, Aljazeera road Misurata, Libya
  • Sport Activities

    The school pays great attention to sports activities, which in turn develop students’ motor and mental skills. We have an outdoor playground for football, basketball, and volleyball, and we also have a swimming pool for swimming activities.

    The rules of football

    • Two teams compete, each team consisting of two players and a goalkeeper.
    • The duration of the match is 22 minutes, divided into two matches.
    • Any player who gets a red card, the next match does not participate, any player who gets a yellow card in two consecutive matches, does not participate in the third match.
    • At the end of the league, the winning team gets medals and a trophy.

    Football league started from 2022/11/5 to 2022/11/24

    Arabic department

    International department

    Football league between schools (Arabic department)

    Water polo rules
    Each team should bring swimming caps distinctive in one color for each team.
    Commitment and respect for the law of water polo.
    There are 3 main players, a goalkeeper and 2 reserves.
    The match time is 20 minutes divided into two matches.
    For the goal to be counted, the ball must be passed through three players.
    Play the ball and do not catch or dunk the opponent.
    The goal scored by the goalkeeper is not counted directly, and it is counted in case of leaving the goalkeeper’s area and the team’s participation in the attack.
    The ball may not be held for more than 10 seconds and must be passed before the specified time expires.
    Play the ball from the middle of the pool after scoring the goal.
    No player changes after the start of the competition.
    When a foul is committed and any player is obstructed, the offender is sent off for 20 seconds and cannot be replaced.
    Any player who commits three fouls during the match will be permanently expelled from the match and can be replaced.

    Specifications of the swimming pool of Knowledge International School – Misurata:-
    Small training swimming pool, dimensions 10.36 x 5.41 m in length and width.
    The depth of the pool varies, starting from 0.70 m to a depth of 1.80 m.
    It works with the system of overflow and includes the system of purification and heating in the winter period.
    The water is sterilized with triple chlorine daily, and the pool is cleaned weekly.

    Swimming pool attachments:-
    The swimming pool includes dressing rooms.
    It includes a toilet.
    It contains various training and rescue equipment.


    The school’s swimming activity includes several programs:-
    Training program for school students according to the annual class schedule for all classes, boys and girls.
    The training program included teaching the basics of swimming and practicing the four types of swimming: freestyle – breaststroke – butterfly – back.
    During the training period, a swimming competition was held between all the school classes, and the winners were crowned with the first three orders. The competition includes the following: –
    * Freestyle swimming race, where the classes were divided according to ages, and the first, second and third classes competed together, the fourth, fifth and sixth classes together, and the middle school classes together.
    And swimming was for a distance of 20 meters freestyle and 10 meters freestyle.
    * Leg kicks race with floats for classes from the first to the eighth for a distance of 10 meters and 5 meters.
    * Treasure hunt race between primary school classes.
    * Underwater endurance race between the fourth, fifth and sixth classes.
    * A 40-meter freestyle team relay race between the fifth, sixth and preparatory classes.
    – A water polo competition was also held inside the pool between primary, fifth, sixth, and preparatory classes, which were divided according to the competition schedule.

    Annual Summer Program
    During 2022, the summer club program was held and included school students and participants from outside the school, which included a training and entertainment program for all ages according to groups.
    – During this year, within the summer club program, a course was opened to teach the basics and arts of freestyle swimming for a period of three consecutive months, and certificates were given to determine the level of all participants.

    Swimming teacher : Alhadi Altileb


    The general swimming class training program:
    The general program for the swimming class was at the beginning of last year 2021-2022, as it included introducing swimming training and its importance in our lives.
    The focus was on crawl swimming or the so-called free swimming and how to find its application in the right ways. A competition was organized between the classes during the year.
    As for the academic year 2022-2023, the program relied on training a second type of the four types of swimming, which is breaststroke swimming, and giving a general idea of breaststroke swimming, how to apply it, and excellence in this type so that we can produce a group to participate and represent the school in all activities At the level of Misurata and beyond.
    During this year, a water polo competition will be held between all classes, each according to its level and academic year, according to the schedule prepared for that.
    A swimming competition will be held between classes, and it includes the types of swimming that have been focused on, which are breaststroke and freestyle swimming, distributed according to the classes and the regulations prepared for that race.
    The general activity also includes an endurance competition and a treasure hunt for the first and second grades, for international and local departments.

    Swimming teacher : Alhadi Altileb

    swimming championship
    The swimming team of Knowledge School participated in the third swimming championship at the level of ” That Al-Rimal ” Range, which was held at the ” Tobacts ” Club for Swimming and Diving, Misrata, where it was supervised by the teacher, Ali Abu-Faris, in cooperation with the Activity Unit in the Zone of ” That Al-Rimal “.
    Where the Knowlege School team won the Championship Cup, and the swimmer Muhammad Al-Mabrouk Kasdia ranked first in the preparatory category, and the swimmer Ahmed Muhammad Al-Majideeb ranked third in the elementary category.

    Knowledge School Sports Day 

    International department
    Sport is an important part in the lives of our students, and for this reason our school decided to organize a sports day for them in the Misrata Sports City for grades from REC to fifth grade in 2022/11/1 to embody the sports spirit, the spirit of competition, and interest in sports activity.
    There were several competitions for the students.

    Arabic department

    On Tuesday and Wednesday morning, we went to the Misrata, Sports City with students from preschool to fifth grade.
    There were several competitions for the students. And they enjoy it a lot.

    Cross Country Race 

    The goal of the activity

    • Creating a competitive spirit among students.
    • Developing physical capabilities.
    • Gain self-confidence.
    • Gaining a spirit of perseverance and diligence to achieve the best.

    Cross Country Race (Primary)(Arabic department)
    On Tuesday morning,  2022/11/22 , students from Knowledge School participated in the cross country race, which was carried out by the ” That Al-Rimal ” Activity Office, in which some Misrata schools participated.
    The start of the race was from “Freira” roundabout to “Manqoush” roundabout

    Cross-country race (preparatory)(Arabic department)
    On Thursday morning , 2022/11/24 , students from Knowledge School participated in the cross country race, which was carried out by the ” That Al-Rimal ” Activity Office, in which some Misrata schools participated.
    The gathering was in front of the “Al-Ihsan” mosque.

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