• 00218919466666
  • info@gks.sch.ly
  • Abbad, Aljazeera road Misurata, Libya
  • News

    ماراثون المعرفة الأول
    حفل تكريم الناجحين والأوائل للشهادتين
    Methodical contest

    With the conclusion of the academic year 2022/2023, the methodological competition was held today for the ninth grade students of the basic education stage, with the generous hosting of the Al-Riyadah School for Special Education and the supervision and organization of the Special Education Office of the Education and Education Monitoring in the Municipality of […]

    Teacher of the year (2022-2023)

    Miss Salma Farooka is a teacher of English language and science for the First grade of GKS school. For her efforts, she was awarded the title of the best teacher for the academic year 2022 – 2023. We’re so gratful to have you in our school community, thank you for demonstrating our school values and […]

    Math Olympiad (Arabic department)

    Yesterday, Saturday, the student Ahmed Khaled Darz from Golden Knowledge School, Misurata, participated in the second stage qualifiers at the level of Libya in the city of Al-Khums for the preparatory stage in the National Mathematics Olympiad at the level of Libya. Where the student Ahmed Darz is considered the only student participating at the […]

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