• 00218919466666
  • info@gks.sch.ly
  • Abbad, Aljazeera road Misurata, Libya
  • المكتبة

    The library works to provide the student with sufficient skills and experience, which will enable them to make full use of the library services available in the community, obtain the materials they wish to view, search for reference, obtain information from multiple sources for any purpose, and other skills that Make them rely on themselves to obtain any information, whether for education or entertainment.

    The school library is located on the ground floor, equipped with air conditioning, tables, and chairs suitable for reading, as well as books in Arabic and English, novels, educational books, method books, and stories for all levels for the local and international sections.

    The library also holds sessions for listening to the stories in the library, and students are encouraged to borrow books using borrowing cards. Outstanding students are honored by reading the largest possible number of books by obtaining the title of “Reader of the Month”.

    Active Readers, in cooperation with the Darsa Library, held a training course for students, to motivate them to read and read.

    At the Knowledge School we have always had traditional library classes where each class has one class a week to read books and stories. This year we have also added the electronic library in which students get to listen to stories/books through headphones while following the written text on the computer screen. This enhances all of the students language skills in a great way.

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