• 00218919466666
  • info@gks.sch.ly
  • Abbad, Aljazeera road Misurata, Libya
  • Vision & Mission

    Our Vision

    – We seek to establish a premise that creates an elite of innovative learners.

    – We don’t believe that our school is just a school. Education does not stop at the moment at which a pupil leaves a  classroom. It is a more holistic experience, encompassing external experiences, team-building, sports, and interaction with the outside world.

    – We believe in providing our pupils with the necessary tools not just to take on information, but to apply it in real-life situations, making choices that lead to positive results.

    – It is important for us to prepare our students for their future education and lives, so we adopt a forward-thinking, modern methodology and approach to ensure that our graduates leave with a range of tools that they can take with them on their journeys through life.

    – Everyone has the right to a good education. GKS is an all-inclusive, multicultural school that does not build barriers to learning; it breaks them down. All are welcome at Ihsan; we treat everyone equally and we expect our students to do so too.

    Our Mission

    We attempt to produce an educated society that advances utilizing modern technology, initiating active learning strategies, and emphasizing the development of students’ skills in a healthy, safe, and nurturing environment that attempts to communicate with the outside community via its website. to provide an exceptional level of education to all our students, regardless of age, background, culture and ability. We use a modern approach, integrating skills, systems and extracurricular experiences to provide a holistic experience for our pupils, ensuring that they graduate with the best possible tools for success in the future. We offer students the chance to develop as autonomous learners, taking into account levels of ability and confidence, with our teachers acting as facilitators and the onus on active learning. This caliber of education should be accessible to all, and we factor affordability heavily into our mission, as we strive to offer our courses at competitive price points, to account for a range of financial situations.

    Our Values

    – development

    – creativity

    – respect

    – cooperation and collaboration

    – transparency

    – positivity

    – trust

    – knowledge

    Our Rationale

    – to provide a stimulating and inviting learning atmosphere.

    – to invest in the staff’s human and educational capacities in order to raise a high degree of learning potentials.

    – to implement modern technological advances that are in line with the challenges of the century.

    – to apply the educational quality standards.

    – to develop students’ life skills, and to instill cooperation principles through a civilized and educational approach.

    – to develop learners’ skills and embrace innovators.


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